
Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21, 2012

Dear Gefen Families,

For my last blog post of the term, I asked some of the Gefen students to share their thoughts:

Maayan - We are studying how to use the dictionary. There are guide words in the dictionary. The first guide word is the first word on the page and the last guide word is the last word on the page.

Amanda M. - I like science because we do fun things. I like gym because it is really fun.

Nate - I liked learning about fractions.

Alyssa - I love gym, it's really fun. I love science because we do a lot of stuff like learning about weather and air. We do DEAR which stands for Drop Everything and Read. It's fun.

Justin - Math is fun. Money was my favorite because I liked adding money.

Talia - I like that math is kind of complicated. Right now we're learning how to tell time. Gym is fun. And in science we do cool experiments like when we made pinwheels.

Amanda S. - In math we're learning about time. I know the big hand shows the minutes and the little hand shows the hours.

Hana - I love telling time and gym.

Aiden - I like science. I like studying air. I like doing Mad Libs to practice parts of speech.

Wishing everyone a wonderful winter break and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Shabbat Shalom,

Hamorah Caren

Friday, December 14, 2012

December 14, 2012

Dear Gefen Families,

This week in math we started learning how to tell time. In addition to practicing during math time, all throughout the day I stop the class for a few seconds and ask different children to report the time. Then, I ask them questions such as how much time needs to go by until the next subject on the schedule. I'm so impressed with their ability to solve these tricky math problems! You can do these types of problems at home as well.

Through our continued practice on alphabetizing, the students have learned to determine which words would be on a dictionary page based on the two given guide words. Next, we will tackle entry words, definitions, parts of speech and syllabication. Please make sure that you have a children's dictionary at home. After vacation there will be homework involving use of the dictionary. It will also be needed for the next book report.

Our first and second grade scientists learned about cirrus, cumulus and stratus clouds. They were put into groups and asked to make representations of the clouds using cotton balls and then had to report back to the rest of the class. We also went outside and blew bubbles using dish soap and water. We noticed that there is air inside the bubbles and that the bubbles were moving through the air because of wind.

In Torah we read and discussed the story of Abraham and Sarah having three strangers visit their tent. We talked about the mitzvah of welcoming guests and we came up with ways that we can welcome people into our classroom as well as into our homes.

A special thank you to Talia's family for the gift card to the New England Mobile Book Fair in honor of Talia's 7th birthday. Books were purchased to add to our Reader's Workshop book collection.

Shabbat Shalom,

Hamorah Caren


The book report is due this coming Tuesday, December 18th.
Please purchase a children's dictionary to keep at home for use with homework.

Friday, December 7, 2012

December 7, 2012

This week math has been a "catch up" and review week. Students completed their money packets and reviewed calendar concepts. Please be sure to practice the order of the months at home. Next week we will start to learn how to tell time.

In science we began to learn about weather. We brainstormed for weather words and created weather symbols just like the meteorologists use. (We will be observing and recording the weather daily.) Our first experiment was learning about a weather thermometer. We observed what happens to the red line when we put the thermometer first in cold water and then in warm. Then, the students got to make their own model thermometers.

We are still at the beginning stages of learning to use the dictionary. Please ask your child what a guide word is. Each day this week we worked on alphabetizing and then determining which of our alphabetized words would fit between a given set of guide words. Please make sure to have a children's dictionary at home as they will be needed for homework and future book reports.

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Hanukkah,

Hamorah Caren

The book report is due on December 18th.
The school talent show is December 14th at 12:15.

Friday, November 30, 2012

November 30, 2012

Dear Gefen Families,

This week in science we conducted two experiments. First, we made our own parachutes using a napkin, string, stickers and a paper clip. We observed how the air and the weight of the paper clip made the parachute move. Next, we used syringes and rubber tubing to "push" on air. We learned about pressure and compression with this second experiment.

Hanukkah is quickly approaching! We read and discussed the story of Hanukkah and the meaning behind the customs. We also shared another cute story called Mrs. Greenberg's Messy Hanukkah and did some fun word searches, word finds, a mini book on the how to steps of making latkes, and we wrote about Hanukkah memories. The children are also learning about Hanukkah in Hebrew.

For grammar skills we learned about using commas in a list. We also talked about using commas when writing the date and when we write cities and states.

In math we are near completion of our money unit. Some children are working on identifying and counting coins while others are working on making change. Our next unit will be telling time, using a calendar and time word problems.

Shabbat Shalom,

Hamorah Caren

Friday, November 16, 2012

November 16, 2012

Dear Gefen Families,

This week we talked about the names and values of coins. We also took some time to observe them and then we created posters to report our findings. This activity should help the students as they learn to recognize coins at a quick glance. We also began counting up small amounts of change.

I encourage you to check out these fun math websites that your child might enjoy at home to practice money skills as well as addition and subtraction:  MathBlasters, the Counting Money game, and the Dollar Store Game.

In science we continued our investigation of air by looking at air under water. Groups were given a water basin, paper towel, foam ball and plastic vial. Ask your child what happened when he/she crumpled up the paper towel, put it in the vial and pushed it into the water. What happened when they tried the same experiment using the foam ball?  Key words for the week were vial, submerge and basin. We also shared a great story, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

We did a variety of Thanksgiving related grammar skills this week. In addition, we pretended that we were turkeys and it was only days before Thanksgiving. Students had to write to the owner of the turkey farm, convincing him to spare their lives. It was a lot of fun to hear what the "Gefen turkeys" had to say! Check out the Save the Turkey! book that went home.

Shabbat Shalom,

Hamorah Caren

Wednesday, November 21st, school ends at 11:15.

Friday, November 9, 2012

November 9, 2012

Dear Gefen Families,

This week we did our first science experiment about investigating air. Each child was given a bag containing a feather, balloon, cotton ball, straw and foam ball. Groups were given balloon pumps. We asked the children to use the materials in any way they could to observe air. They recorded their observations in their Air and Weather Journals (that will come home at the end of the unit) and shared their findings. They also created vocabulary cards for the following words: air, matter, gas and invisible.

For Torah we read the story of Avraham leaving home. G-d told him to leave his family and go to a new land which G-d would show him. G-d promised to make Avraham a great nation. We discussed what it would be like to have to move to a new place and leave our homes and friends behind. Then we talked about what things we might bring with us to remind us of home.

This week we completed our math unit on Fractions. Our next unit will be Money. We will work on identifying coins, value, adding and making change.

Shabbat Shalom,

Hamorah Caren


No school on Monday, November 12th due to parent/teacher conferences.

The first book report was sent home. Book choice is due by Friday, November 16th.
Reports are due on or before Tuesday, December 18th. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, November 2, 2012

November 2, 2012

Dear Gefen Families,

Until winter break our science unit will be learning all about Air and Weather (perfect timing with Hurricane Sandy!). As a pre-assesssment, we began by talking about what we already know about air and weather and then we created a class (1st and 2nd) air book where the children illustrated what they think air looks like. Some drew their breath that they see outside in the winter and others drew swirls to represent moving air. Next, we shared the story "The Magic School Bus in a Hurricane" and talked about our different experiences of Hurricane Sandy. Lots of experiments yet to come  . . . . . . . .

In math this week we looked at grouping within fraction problems. For example, if we bake 10 cookies and want to make 1/5 chocolate, 1/5 sugar and 3/5 chocolate chip, how do we figure out how many cookies are in a 1/5?

In Torah, we continued with the story of the Tower of Babel. We learned that the people were so busy building the tower that they forgot to take care of their families and animals and they forgot their devotion to G-d. The students were asked to think of a time when they were so busy that they forgot to do something important.

And last, we got together with the kindergarten and first grade to learn about the difference between the popular vote and the electoral college. First, we voted for something (flavor of ice cream, color, etc.). Once we thought we had a "winner," we learned that we weren't done yet, it was only the popular vote. Then, we broke up into "states" to vote for an elector and found that sometimes the "winner" was not really what we expected based on the electoral vote. (We found this great lesson on the CBS Sunday Morning website. Interviewer Mo Rocca went into a classroom to do a similar activity with some young children. The whole story will be airing on PBS next week. Check it out!)

Shabbat Shalom,

Hamorah Caren

School is closed next Tuesday, November 6th, for professional development.

Friday, October 26, 2012

October 26, 2012

Dear Gefen Families,

This week the second graders began to learn about popcorn! We read and discussed The Popcorn Book by Tomie de Paola and learned all sorts of interesting facts. For instance, did you know that the oldest popcorn ever found was 5,600 years old? Did you know that the oldest popcorn found that could still be popped was 1,000 years old? Or, maybe you didn't know that the unpopped kernels left at the bottom of the bag are called "Old Maids."

For our final week in Social Studies, we looked at the presidential election. The students were put into groups and asked to research particular questions and then report back to the class. Some of those questions were:
What is an election?
What is a democracy?
What are the rules for someone who wants to be president?

The story of Noah and the flood was read and discussed during Torah this week. We focused on what it means to be righteous and then we brainstormed for other "adjectives" that describe Noah. Then, the children were asked to imagine what it might have been like to be inside of the ark for 40 days and 40 nights while the rest of the earth was destroyed.

Shabbat Shalom,

HaMorah Caren


Please make sure to help your child to study for our weekly spelling quiz. Words go home on Mondays and the quiz is always on Friday.

Also, although we have moved on to our unit on fractions, I encourage you to continue helping your child to review addition and subtraction facts. We continue to practice our regrouping skills weekly.

Friday, October 19, 2012

October 19, 2012

Dear Gefen Families,

This week in math we began our unit on fractions. We read the Hershey Fractions book and through that we learned that a fraction makes up parts of a whole and that all parts must be equal. The children were asked to label fractions, shade particular parts of a whole and make some comparisons (two 1/4's are the same as 1/2).

For Torah, we discussed the story of Adam and Eve eating the apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good from Evil. We focused on whether or not Adam and Eve should have considered the advice they received from the snake and then we thought about who we can trust to give us good advice and why.

We continued with our study of grammar. Now, we know nouns, verbs and adjectives. All 10 students were able to come up with 84 adjectives to list on the board!

In social studies we completed our posters on American symbols and shared them. Then, we brainstormed for what we know about the presidential election and about what qualities a president should have. Then, we listed our questions.

How old do you need to be to vote?
What if you can't make it on voting day?
Does your vote really matter?
How do you vote?
Do you have to vote?

We will continue our look at the election next week.

Shabbat Shalom,

HaMorah Caren

The GMADE testing will be next week. It will take place at math time.
Spelling will now be done weekly. Words come home on Monday night and the quiz is on Friday. Please initial your child's quiz and send it back on Monday.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 11, 2012

Dear Gefen Families,

This week, as we continue to learn about America, we focused on American symbols. The children were put into four groups and asked to "research" about one particular symbol (The Statue of Liberty, The Liberty Bell, the Bald Eagle and The White House). Each group created a poster which they will use to teach the rest of the class about what they learned.

The Presidential election will be our next focus. The Gefen and Se'orah classes would be so appreciative if someone would like to volunteer to create a "voting booth" for us out of a cardboard box. Please let us know if you are interested in helping out.

In Torah we learned about how G-d created Adam and Eve. And, we discussed the Tree of Knowledge of Good From Evil. We asked ourselves why, when we are told "no," does it make us want to do something even more. Then, we pretended that we were Adam and Eve and we wrote diary entries about how we were feeling about being the first humans and how we felt about G-d telling us we couldn't eat from the tree.

An important reminder:

Next week is our first full week of school so please be aware that spelling words will be coming home on Monday. The quiz will be on Friday.

Shabbat Shalom,

HaMorah Caren

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5, 2012

Dear Gefen Families,

In math this week we had an introduction to regrouping with subtraction. We used 10's rods and 1's cubes to help us "see" the whole process. We will continue to work on this through next week and then we will have a review of addition and subtraction with regrouping before we move on to our next unit on fractions.

We were very fortunate to have Rav Shira Shazeer come in to teach us about the lulav and etrog. Ask your children what the different parts of the lulav are and what they symbolize. What is the pitom? What is the blessing that we say when we shake the lulav and etrog and in which directions do we shake? Which way do we hold the etrog? And, what happens if we accidentally break off the pitom?

We continue to learn the parts of speech. This week was a review of nouns and we also learned about verbs. This will be tied into our writing as I will be asking the children to recognize the nouns and verbs in their sentences. 

Our study of America continued this week as we finished learning about the American Flag. Ask your child what the 50 stars stand for. Why are there 13 stripes? And, why were the colors red, white and blue used? We ended our study of the flag with a discussion about different colors used on flags and their meanings. Then, we asked the children to create their own flags which represent who they are. They could show their families, interests, favorites, etc. And, finally, we discussed that there is an election coming and asked who knew anything about the debates. As a connection, we shared a cute story called The First Pooch, the Obamas Pick a Pet by Carole Boston. Next week we will focus on some American symbols.

To end our week, today we met with the kindergarten and first grade to begin our study of the year long theme of appreciating differences. We discussed what it means to be created in G-d's image (not how we look but how we act) and we realized that we all have unique talents and abilities which we can use to behave in G-d's image.


No school next Monday and Tuesday, October 8th and 9th.

Shabbat Shalom,

HaMorah Caren

Friday, September 28, 2012

September 28, 2012

Dear Gefen Families,

This week in math we continued to work on regrouping to the 10's column. Please keep helping your child to practice the facts! I am definitely seeing a lot of improvement and hardly any fingers!

For our study of America we began to learn about the American flag. We read a mini book about the flag which talked about the stars, stripes, original 13 colonies, the Pledge of Allegiance, the Star Spangled Banner and even Neil Armstrong placing a flag on the moon. These books were sent home. The children were asked to color in their own flag and then answer some specific questions about it including number of long stripes vs. short stripes, etc. We ended class today by watching a special video clip. Ask your child about it!

We continue to practice writing complete sentences with capitals where they belong and proper punctuation. And, now we've added recognizing nouns into the mix. We brainstormed for nouns and even went on a school wide Noun Hunt. It was a lot of fun!

For Sukkot we heard a wonderful story about the holiday and imagined what it would be like to lie in the sukkah at night. What would we hear? See? Feel? Taste? Smell?

No school on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 1st and 2nd, in observance of Sukkot.

Shabbat Shalom,

HaMorah Caren