
Friday, March 22, 2013

March  22, 2013

This week we researched and wrote about different Pesach traditions from around the world. Did you know that in Iran everyone at the seder table takes an onion and lightly hits the person next to them on the shoulder? This symbolizes when the Jews were slaves and were hit by the Egyptians. Or, maybe you didn't know that in Turkey the adults act out the Passover story for the children before the seder begins. We also practiced the four questions and wrote our own questions about Pesach. In addition, the K-2 students had a mock seder today which was run by our fifth graders.

In science we've been learning all about the life cycle of the butterfly, including learning butterfly words in Hebrew. This week we began to prepare for the science fair by illustrating the life cycle stages for our presentation board.

This week for math we reviewed double and triple digit addition and subtraction with regrouping. Please make sure your child is still practicing his/her facts at home (up through 20).

Wishing everyone a wonderful Passover and an enjoyable break.

Shabbat Shalom,

Hamorah Caren

The book report is due on Wednesday, April 3rd.
Please send in research for your child's country project on Wednesday, April 3rd.
Tuesday, April 9th we will be taking a field trip to the Butterfly Place. More information will be sent home after break.

Silent Reading Time

Working together to find words in the dictionary.

Playing Passover Jeopardy with Ziv and Rivi.

Working on Centimeter Art during Math.

Friday, March 15, 2013

March 15, 2013

Dear Gefen Families,

This week in math we focused on measuring with centimeters. The students created a character and designed a map of their character's day. Then, they measured the character's travels in centimeters. It was a lot of fun! Soon their projects will be up in the hall to view.

We continued our study of Passover by reviewing the symbols on the seder plate and reviewing the order of the seder. We discussed each step in detail and practiced blessings. We also shared some Passover stories.

In science we started to learn about the butterfly life cycle. And, we wrote our class poem about butterflies using alliteration. This poem was entered into the science poetry contest. A copy of the poem was sent home on Thursday.

In Torah we discussed the story of Jacob meeting Rachel. He had to work for seven years to marry her. We wrote about whether or not this was fair.  And, we wrote about whether or not there was something we felt it would be worth working seven years for.

And, last, for grammar we reviewed quotation marks and learned about articles (a, an and the).

Shabbat Shalom,

Hamorah Caren

Reminders: book reports are due Wednesday, April 3rd
Please send in research material for your child's country study on that day as well.

Using the computer at recess.

Writing about the symbols on the seder plate.

Displaying a seder plate.

Comparing answers during math class.

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8, 2013

Dear Gefen Families,

This week we began to learn about Passover. We generated a list of things that we already know and then we shared an interesting story about the why's and how's of Passover. Next, we did some creative writing, first as an Egyptian writing to Pharaoh and then as a slave writing to Pharaoh. Next week we will examine the seder plate, the order of the seder and the four questions. And, last, we will learn about  how Passover is celebrated in other parts of the world.

For math, we finished our perimeter art and learned about volume and area. If you have a chance, check out the hallway in front of our classroom!

In our Torah study we focused on Jacob's dream. We talked about how G-d gave Jacob the courage to move on by himself and then each student gave an example of a difficult time and what gave them the courage to get through it.

In science we began our butterfly unit by reading a story about butterflies. Then, we jumped into learning about alliteration because the first and second grades will be entering a class poem about butterflies to the Massachusetts Science Poetry Contest. This poem will be displayed at our school poetry night.

Shabbat Shalom,

Hamorah Caren

Please return the country choice selection sheet
We will be going on a field trip to the Butterfly Place on April 9th. More to follow.

Reading with K buddies

Working on Perimeter Art

Showing the volume of a structure

Some of our Perimeter Art