April 26, 2013
The Gefen class is buzzing with activity and excitement. All of the students are becoming experts on their "countries." Each day they look forward to country study time. This week we have just about completed our research and now we are beginning to prepare our presentation boards.
We learned the five parts of a letter: date, greeting, body, closing and signature, and how to set up a letter properly. Then, everyone wrote a practice letter to a friend or relative and we also pretended to be "Dear Abby" and offered our advice for some tough problems through letter writing.
For Torah we read and discussed the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors. We talked about bragging, jealousy and what it would be like to grow up in a family with many siblings.
We had a short introduction to our unit on Ghana this week. The children were put into groups and did a small amount of research about culture, clothing, sports, the language, etc. just to get a taste of what is to come. In our research we discovered that the cacao bean is Ghana's number one export so we will also be doing a unit on chocolate!
Our planting unit was introduced this week as well. We saw a short video about how planting is done on a farm and we generated a list of what we know about planting. And, then, with the help of Alyssa's grandfather who is an avid gardener, we planted sunflower seeds.
Filling our cups with soil. |
Learning about sunflowers. |
Shabbat Shalom,
Hamorah Caren
On Monday, April 29, we will be celebrated a belated Lag B’Omer Field
with Color War events including races, freeze dance, knockout,
All students have been assigned to teams: white, blue, green, and
On Monday,
All students must wear sneakers.
Each student
should wear his/her team color.
Each student must bring a water
Parents should apply sunscreen before school (we are not permitted
apply sunscreen at school.)
This Tuesday school is out at 11:45 due to the remaining conferences.
Also, please send in the name and address of your child's special visitor who will be joining us on May 10th.